Visual Stimulus

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Work Placement Day 3: "Coffin' Up Cash"

Working Hours: 10:30am - 5:00pm
When I arrived at work today I was told that we had a production meeting at 11:00 for the new show in the summer. I thought this would be a fantastic opportunity for me and Natalie to learn some of the ins-and-outs of what happens ina production meeting, and some of the issues each person in a different role has to face. Alas, instead we were told to make ourselves scarce for a bit until the production meeting was over at 12. Which was a pity, but I don't think they had enough space in the room for taggers-on. We made use of our 'free time' by exploring the local area of Chiswick. We found some amazing charity shops (affluent areas have THE best charity shops) and this absoluetly INCREDIBLE antiques/vintage shop ina building called 'The Old Cinema' it was simply wonderful, so extensive, Natalie pointed out it was like being in a museum, it was insane. So much marvelous stuff- lots of stuff I could have used for 'Much Ado..' if only I was a millionaire. We also managed to source some more appropriate pill bottles to the substitutes we'd found the day before. Turns out chemists just sell them to you for like 20p. Who knew?
When we got back we did what I would say was our most satisfying job so far, which was lining a coffin....

It was quite fun and much more satisfying than cutting up money or sweeping- it felt less ephemeral. Plus it was nice to work as a team with Natalie. Armed with only a staple-gun and a large circle of fabric, I think we did rather well actually.

^ The finished Product ^
^ Oh Whoops. Natalie after an accident involving the staple-gun ^
After lunch I made some more money. £10 notes this time. But now the printer has run out of ink, so we can't print anything for a while. We then carried some rugs about to the practice studios, and then made some small sample student protest banners for the scene in '13'. We will show these to the designer and see which direction she wants to go in for them, before we make them to a large scale. I also spent a fair bit of time preparing the scripts for the DSM. This meant drawing 3 columns on the back of every page of '13' and every page of 'How to disappear completely...' so that they were all prepped for her to write her cues in. This was an insight to how a DSM would work.
Tomorrow and Friday is 'Set Painting' so that should be fun!

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