Visual Stimulus

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Much Ado About Nothing- 4 Initial Set Designs

Yesterday I completed all the rough set design concepts that I've been working on in Google SketchUp and have compiled them together in a film for ease of access.

I really really really really dislike using SketchUp and in hindsight it might have just been easier to make little models of each one..... maybe. It's just incredibly hard to DRAW set designs when its in the round, so I thought SketchUp was my only option- forgetting how frustrated it makes me. It's the lack of fluidity that gets me, nothing runs smoothly; you'll run a command and then spend the next 45seconds-2mins waiting for it to complete it. Unlike Photoshop it lacks immediacy, which is normally one of the positive points of CAD work. Needless to say, by Set Design 4 I was ready to throw my laptop out the window.... so you'll have to excuse the fact that it's a little scrappy near the end- but the important thing is the communication of the concept, rather than the specifics.

Here is the video:

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