Visual Stimulus

Sunday 9 September 2012

Work Experience Updates!

Now that time has passed, I can reveal a bit more about what I was doing for my summer work experience.

First of all, the press release has finally been issued for the exhibition I had the pleasure of working on at the V&A.....
It couldn't have been more perfect if I'd planned it myself- turning up for my first day of interning and being lead to a room where I'm surrounded by David Bowie...
The best person in the world.  

And the second placement, where I worked as a Costume Supervisor for Natural Shocks, a company producing 3 shows for the Edinburgh Festival under the umbrella title of 'Peep'... I didn't want to give any spoilers away, but now the festival has been and gone....
And the reviews are in....
The Guardian
The Telegraph
Fringe Review
EdFringe- Audience feedback.

Photo courtesy of Fest Magazine.  Mr. Meredith sporting my adapted Rocky Horror Costume.
 Costumes for '69'

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