Visual Stimulus

Friday 20 April 2012

Hiatus Postponed!

Hooray! We are back on track. After a very long, interesting and useful discussion with the Director- we have decided to continue with the British Raj context- but perhaps with a  sense of mild trepidation.
Anyway, I think it would take a very cantankerous cynic to take any sort of offence at this production- I really can't see how something like this would offend anyone- but we talked through a lot of valid issues, and We are both happy to go ahead with it, despite some fairly abject criticism from others (eek!)
In celebration of starting to work again (I had a few days break as I felt there was no need to carry on if I was just going to start from scratch anyway), I have made a very rough first set design on Google Sketch-up.
Sketch-up wasn't behaving itself so there are some bits missing- a screened door at the entrance to the theatre, the indian cut-out cladding for the balcony, and the tiled floor in a geometric pattern. However, I think it was just about time I had something solid to show from my thoughts.
A walk-through tour is featured below:

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