Visual Stimulus

Wednesday 21 March 2012

21st March- First meeting with the director.

I have been so so nervous about today, primarily because I knew how dismayed I would be if the director didn't go for my 'British India' idea. I have already put so much work and research into this concept (perhaps misguidedly) but I wouldn't have done so unless I felt it was a sound direction for the project- I have complete faith in this idea, there was just no guaranteeing that the director would feel the same way- and this was a big gamble for me.
Luckily, the meeting today couldn't have gone better. Doug Cockle, the director of the play, was so relaxed about the direction in which he wanted to take it, and seemed 100% onboard for my British Raj concept. He also got very excited when I talked to him about wanting to create an immersive piece of theatre (presenting some of the ideas from my previous post)- so I'm hoping it's all go-go-go now! Very excited now that I can start working properly. Doug also mentioned that he wanted us to be involved in the casting process- which is a very unexpected request- but I feel so privileged to potentially have a say in such matters! So far, the only thing I am a bit worried about is the budget... I have only £1000 for set and £1000 for costume, I've also been told that due to the tight time-schedule of 'Much Ado' I would have to have as few items as possible MADE, most of the costumes bought, hired, and sourced- which is a real shame, and will also potentially make it a lot more expensive. I'm just worried as the budget is a third of what it has been on some previous productions, and I really struggle to envisage how much things are likely to cost- but I'd imagine that a whole cast of hired costumes will come to way over £1000? Anyway I'll just have to wait and see, I'm sure I'll get advice and support if I need it, and I've been told I'm quite good at 'problem-solving' so maybe the budget won't be such a problem.
Below are the notes from my meeting with the director and my tutor:

British India – End of great war; heat of the play – Indian climate.
Casting could be difficult racially, but would be best to just ignore the racial side of it and blind cast, then create the ethnic groups with costumes.
Could use Spray Tan to help cover up the pasty British complexion.
Have Dogberry as British but Verges as Indian, this will create a better juxtaposition with Don Pedro and Claudio.
Classic comedic method to have the British in charge as slightly ridiculed (Dads army style).
Look at Alistair McGowan on ‘Who do you think you are?”
Could Friar Frances be a Sikh? 
Benedick trying to mimic the British by shaving his beard.
Create an Immersive performance: Lanterns, pillars, cushions instead of seat on the seating rostra – would turn the audience into part of the set immediately giving them the feel of India. (Long cushions in Indian Fabrics) 
 Create a new front to the balcony and light from behind.
Consider where lighting, sound and DSM will work from.
Screen with See through pattern on castors so that Benedick can hide.
Can use hanging fabrics to create screens. 

 -'MUCH ADO'- Set in British India 1918-1919.
-Context: British and Indian Characters.
-Research ranks of British Army- caste system.
-Nepalese masks
-Sit in on auditions- late May.
-Set kept minimal- using balcony for Hero's disgrace.
- Immersive use of lights?
-Keystone Cop quality/ Dad's army--> the Watch.
-Watch 'Who do you think you are?- Alistair McGowan'
-Note to self- organise a team of supervisors & makers BEFORE end of this academic year.

- £1000 SET + £1000 COSTUME budget.
-Use seating rostrum but remove seats- decorate like sandstone steps and have long cushions in Indian fabric for the audience to sit on.
-Benedick could be hiding behind a moving screen on wheels- comedic AND helps with the audience in the round.
-Go through door or curtain as entry to the space.
-Things hanging from the ceiling.
- Be there for the auditions.
-Think about Verges being Indian.
-There is a capacity in the theatre space to be able to lower thing in using pulleys.
-Think about adding a water feature- hot country..
-Lighting through screen- lasercut?
-Think about where the lighting and sound operators will go if we're using the balcony.

Here is the moodboard I prepared for the meeting:

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